The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97417   Message #1916389
Posted By: TRUBRIT
22-Dec-06 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: BS - This parenting thing is so hard
Subject: BS - This parenting thing is so hard
Our family has an animal mad child who over the years has filled our house with cats, dogs, mice, rats, lizards, snakes, frogs -- all sorts. When she moved out two years ago (to be nearer to the school where she is studying for a Vet Tech's diploma) the reptiles were smuggled into her apartment but the bull mastiff and five cats stayed home (the dog being too large and the cats too mobile to smuggle!).

Anyway, she and I went to the vet today with one of the cats who has lost a huge amount of weight. The result of the ultrasound was a 99.9% certain verdict of lymphoma for the cat - Tucker. My lovely, gutsy, bright, capable 21 year old daughter just sobbed. Wouldn't you do ANYTHING you could to take pain away from them? I think seeing your child in pain is the worst feeling in the world. Before I had kids I was incredibly selfish - now I am STILL selfish but just moderately so but know there are at least three people in the world I will always put before me. Being a parent is TOUGH.

So I am going to take my glass of wine to bed and shed a few tears for this damned cat who I have come to love but more for the hurting daughter who I have always and will always love. I'll think about the time we had her pet mouse euthanized (cancer then too) and the time she cried for a week when the Shetland pony she used to ride passed on the greener pastures.......goodnight, everyone - thanks for listening.....may your animals live long and healthy lives (and your kids, too, of course!)