The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19006   Message #191729
Posted By: Crowhugger
08-Mar-00 - 02:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Education is more than...
Subject: RE: BS: Education is more than...
Someone said to the effect that "Education is what you still know after you've forgotten everything you learned in school."

I'm glad to see that the learnèd poser of the question does understand that education and training are not the same thing.

Here comes my 2¢, for students, half price!

Education is interaction amongst people in the social and natural environments, which results in the participants, "teachers" and "students" alike, learning ever more ways to think and learn. It is the antithesis of training, in which thinking is actively discouraged \RANT ON: (are you listening all you Ontarians who voted Mike (emb)Harris into power? TWICE!) for the purpose of keeping fresh ideas from emerging and confusing the goals of the elite with the goals of the schmucks who have to run the kids to daycare and do laundry and nuke popcorn for the rented movie and generally run faster than they can to strive for some humiliating carrot, paying extra for the privilege all the way. \RANT OFF.

Oops, got away from myself there. Which is not a retraction, just an observation.

Good luck Caitrin.