The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19006   Message #191784
Posted By: Jeri
08-Mar-00 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Education is more than...
Subject: RE: BS: Education is more than...
Education really is training the mind, but...
It's also training hands to touch, to write and draw, to create.
Training eyes to see more than the obvious.
Training ears to listen, not just hear music, the tone of voices, words and meaning.
Training people to understand how they fit into a group, how they feel, react, and interact with others.
Training people to be comfortable inside their own skins.

One thing a good education system will do is understand how an individual learns and work with that. Some kids seem to be brilliant, but think in ways the majority of educators can't figure out or deal with. As a result, those kids' intelligence gets completely wasted unless they figure out how to teach themselves. Training the mind...nah, it's training the whole person.