The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97455   Message #1918227
Posted By: Little Hawk
24-Dec-06 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Concentration camps in U.S. don't exist?
Subject: RE: BS: Concentration camps in U.S. don't exist?
The $ySStem talks out of both sides of its mouth when it comes to the conditions that spawn crime.

Look, it works kind of like this:

My town council where I live is purportedly in favour of people parking legally and paying when they park at a meter. Right? Uh-huh. ;-) And they hire a goodly number of "Green Hornets" (parking ticket cops) to go around and make sure you do...or if you don't, they ticket you.

Well, the sad truth is this: They NEED people, lots of people, to park illegally and they NEED even more people whose meters expire or who don't the city can rake in a MUCH LARGER amount of money in fines than the money they would get if everyone parked legally!!!!! So their real interests are served by people breaking the law and getting caught! Furthermore, all those Green Hornets would be out of a job if everyone normally parked legally. And that would be another kick in someone's balls, wouldn't it?

The $ySStem is set up to both openly condemn crime and subtly encourage it (by default) because that makes money and employs people and provides scope for enlarging $ySStem budgets and $ySStem infrastructure.

In the same way the military $ySStem is set up to encourage and perpetuate war....while simultaneously claiming to be against war and only interested in "defence". Ha! Ha! Ha! That's a good one.

In the same way the drug laws are set up to encourage and perpetuate an enormous international illegal drug trade, give support to enormous crime syndicates, and set up enormous law enforcement and other government structures in regards to a supposed "war on drugs", and it's just one hand washing the other, because it all works together to the benefit of crime and to the detriment of the public.

It's the most self-serving lot of hypocritical nonsense I've ever heard of, and you find it happening just about everywhere. And it's all driven by one thing: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

And that one thing is a fiction. Money is a made-up idea about something that is actually worth nothing until all the people agree to pretend it's worth something, and then they set about seeing how they can screw each other over to get more of it.

It's a religion. And a really, really stupid one too. But we all serve it, because without that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ you are a helpless outcast with little or no hope of survival.