The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97455   Message #1918232
Posted By: GUEST
24-Dec-06 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Concentration camps in U.S. don't exist?
Subject: RE: BS: Concentration camps in U.S. don't exist?
Privatization. This thread turned into a discussion of that, then when it infringed on peoples' comfort zones it became a discussion of "conspirary theories."

Short history of modern-day prisons in the U.S.: Prescott Bush (GW's grandaddy) backed the Nazis. They lost the war in Europe and their loot was transferred to S. America. The Bushes set up shop in west Texas to launder Nazi loot through the oil industry. Along the way they (Bushes) became a major player in the South American drug trade. Then George H.W. got elected V.P., Reagan was shot 2 months later and Bush took over the White House. We had Iran-Contra, with Ollie North and Negroponte and others establishing the cocaine industry in the U.S., while George H.W. took down rogue dealers like Manuel Noriega (we invaded Panama, remember? No reason was ever given). George H.W. pardoned all his criminal conspirators, and now they're back in power (instead of in prison where they belong). And Bush Jr. invaded Afghanistan, where the Taliban had completely stopped opium production, and now it's at 110% over previous top levels. So, the Bushes pump the drugs into the U.S. and then invest the profit into prison industries like Wackenhut and Corrections Corporation of America (companies that build prisons to house drug criminals). That's the basis of the U.S. prison industry now...private businesses housing people convicted of using drugs shipped in by the CIA. Read what the black residents of south Los Angeles have to say about it. They say the Cryps and Bloods are creations of the CIA...they SEE the CIA dropping gang members on street corners to sell drugs. The 'turf wars' of the gangs are just like the Democrat/Republican shell control both sides and threaten to put the other side in charge if your side doesn't play ball. The illicit drug industry has now been stabalized in the U.S., Wackenhut and other corporations are looking at increased income since the federal and state governments have begun linking drug use to terrorism, and someday you're going to have a good 20-cent an hour job in what they'll probably start referring to as "Security Centers" on the news. "A minor disagreement at the Levenworth 'Security Center' today resulted in 'managers' having to 'fire' several 'employees'. Pardon me, that's 'fire on' several employees."