The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3687   Message #19196
Posted By: Ezio
14-Jan-98 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Lady of Shalott (Tennyson/McKennitt)
Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The Lady of Shallott
To Jerry Friedman

On 12-Jan-98 - 05:10 PM you wrote: >Tennyson wrote "Tirra lirra"--is "Terra libra" an Italian > emendation? > >Ezio, when you post lyrics by Tennyson, Yeats, etc., >I hope you search for them on the Web before doing all >that typing!

Thank you Jerry, you are right - I'm sorry for the misprint.

However I'm not completely guilty, as the lyric (and the typo) comes from the official L. McKennitt site ( maintained by Quinlan Road. I saw this lyric at this site - I verified it was missing in DT - I posted it by 'cutting and pasting'. That's all. I really couldn't spot the typo. By the way, what 'Tirra lirra' means?

Sorry, there's no Italian emendation. Maybe the misprint (or emendation, as you call it) is British or American.
