The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97532 Message #1920011
Posted By: GUEST,guest Wilfried Schaum abroad
27-Dec-06 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
Subject: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
Dear friends,
I am still incommunicado. My PC has lost its connection to the web, I have difficulties with the repairs, and I have no access to my office PC because of the closing of my library between Xmas and New Year. The week before Xmas I was confined to bed coughing my lungs out (bad luck).
Now I'm sitting in an Internet Café controlling my mail.
I know that I have missed some birthdays; my best to all whom I wished to congratulate. Pardon a sick man.
And for you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!