The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19006   Message #192006
Posted By: Mbo
08-Mar-00 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education is more than...
Subject: RE: BS: Education is more than...
Wow annap, really? An "Auntie Mame" kind of adventure of my very own? WOW! Can I try out the Harley too? Barky said I'd look good on one...

I know how you feel about kids who don't like going to school. Every day it crosses my mind that I wish I was at home in bed, instead of at school. But school has made up so much of my life, during the last 2 weeks of Christmas vacation in December, I was getting antsy to come back and get busy again. I never seem, for some reason, to hit it off well with young people...older folks I find much easier to relate to. I always form better friendships with my teachers that with the students in the class.

There's only been ONE instance I can remember where I did not particulary like one of my teachers. When sitting in class, you hear students talking...about how they hate the teacher, they're too hard, they're too boring, they have a weird accent...sometimes I just want to jump up and scream at them! I defend teachers. Teachers are the ones who have such a love for what they teach that they are willing to get up early every morning and try to impart it to others who can benefit from it. Even though they receive uncaring and bored minds most of the time.

I mean, I've taken lots of classes in areas I NEVER though I would care about--communications, biology, psychology, look at me! The love the teachers showed for their individual subjects challenged ME to care to! And now I have this broader world view out of it! I can understand biology, psychology was VERY interesting to me, and all the time it was just sitting there, and I never noticed it. Communications helped me a bit to break out of my shell of shyness and nervousness...I'm still trying to get through to this very day. And theater....well what can I say? I have become a Shakespeare junkie...doing dramatic theatrical readings in that class opened the doors of acting to me...and trying to understand the emotions of the characters so I could show them as I performed (I LOVED playing Gabriel in "Fences" as well as Hamlet, Prospero, Jason, Oedipus, and Algernon Montcrieff) their parts. And even in my art history classes, I'm finding things out about myself I never realized before. I found that I'm quite interested in the art of Piet Mondrian. Who'd a-though little ol' naturalism/realism Mbo would be interested in an analytic cubist? These are the things that teachers have woken up in me. That little cretin moron George Bernard Shaw came up with "Those who can do, those who can't teach". That's just one more reason for me NOT to like him. He obviously did not have that drive, the thirst, the eternal quest for knowledge that only the dedicated feel in their heart of hearts.
