The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97372   Message #1920447
Posted By: GUEST,John Gray in Oz
28-Dec-06 - 08:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Legalise Prostitution?
Subject: RE: BS: Legalise Prostitution?
As a prior poster has noted, prostitution is legal in Australia. Has been for some years - and I'm not aware of any major problems. The clients pay a 10 percent GST ( Goods & Services Tax ), so the gov't gets a slice of the action. The girls pay income tax, so the gov't gets another slice of the action, and the brothel pays company tax on profit so the gov't gets etc, etc. The girls are also covered by Workcover, a gov't injury insurance, in the event they pull a muscle or do their back in.
And now the Daily Planet, one of the more up-market brothel chains, is a public company listed on the stock exchange. So, with a tax on share transactions, the gov't gets etc, etc.
When thinking of what to buy the bloke with everything what about a few shares in a brothel. I reckon it would be real cool, when the boys are bragging around the barbecue about their Telco and Banking stock, to say you've got a couple of thou in brothel shares. Maybe shareholders even get a discount ..........