The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95352   Message #1920486
Posted By: My guru always said
28-Dec-06 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Clues and Nudges
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Clues and Nudges
Dear Elffish Pressently, abject apologies! I was so sure that I'd posted a couple of days before Christmas that I'd received a 'pre-Christmas parcel' of songs, but it seems my post has been lost in the ether. Perhaps I had been under the influence at that time *grin*

So sorry to hear that you have been delayed by this lapse, but obviously the tentative New Years gig is good news! If only I knew where Murray's was, and if I weren't away in Essex at a Barn Dance that night I would certainly come along to hear you & the Band. Is there a Flautist in it too perhaps?

I have indeed started listening to the pre-Christmas tape, what a variety of styles there are. I got half-way through the compilation tape while I was doing pre-Christmas stuff in the kitchen and it certainly set the scene, thank you!

The Postman has not yet come all the way up the drive with the 'big box' but I'm sure this will happen soon. There was a false alarm today, but it turned out to be an indicator unit for my car to replace one I broke on the way to a Mummers Play on Boxing Day. Not nearly as exciting as a present from my own Dear Secret Santa. I shall continue to be good and am sending positive thoughts to You for 2007!