The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3649   Message #19211
Posted By:
14-Jan-98 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: Aquarius (songs from the Musical 'Hair')
Subject: RE: Aquarius
Aww, c'mon now -- I wouldn't say older music recognition/appreciation *necesarily* sets the elder folkies from the younger, so much -- it really depends on their PARENTS. Why, I still have the 5th Dimension album earlier in question -- my very first, actually. I was at a garage sale with my mom and begged her to buy it for me (50 cents!) since it had 'Aquarius'in the name. (That happens to be my "sign", heh heh...) Until then all I had heard was The Beach Boys, Patsy Cline, Jim Reeves, Jim Croce and Elvis-y stuff, and it totally blew me away! The year was 1976 and I had just turned six myself.

Now here I sit looking over at the Dover edition of Child ballads next to my lava lamp and listening to Metallica. (At least, I like to think those books are listening... as opposed to say, GROANING.) Ain't life GRAND?

And yes -- I own 4-inch denim platforms and wear them proudly. WooHoo!!! (But I draw the line at bell-bottoms -- At least SOME of us youngsters have a little taste...)