The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97455   Message #1921454
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Dec-06 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Concentration camps in U.S. don't exist?
Subject: RE: BS: Concentration camps in U.S. don't exist?
I think, Don, that there is a great likelihood that the government itself arranged for some agents-provocateurs to instigate that riot and encourage various young and foolish people to join them in destroying property. It would have been easy to do, it would have required only a handful of such agents, and it is a tactic that has long been used by the government to discredit any peaceful protest movements and tar all protestors with the same brush. The government wishes the general public to see protestors as dangerous anarchists. How easily that is done when a few foolish people can be manipulated into acting out the part.