The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93390   Message #1921898
Posted By: Bob Bolton
30-Dec-06 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: Real Ale v Lager
Subject: RE: Real Ale v Lager
G'day all & sundry,

Coopers Sparkling Ale

Tune: The Work of the Weavers (Scots, trad.)         Words: John Dengate

Before they hanged Ned Kelly in the gaol,
To make dead certain that his nerve didn't fail -
He drank a glass of COOPERS SPARKLING ALE
And he laughed in the face of the troopers.
CHORUS: It's Australia's best; we all agree,
        If it wasn't for the Coopers where would we be?
        We'd have to drink the residue of bogus chemistry
        If it wasn't for the brew of the Coopers.

So fill up your tankards my thirsty gents;
It's the only way to spend your dollars and your cents.
And it's made from natural ingredients -
There's health in the brew of the Coopers.
CHORUS:        It's Australia's best; we all agree…

It's throw away your cocoa and your lemonade
And toast the masters of the brewing trade.
They're the pride of the city of Adelaide;
Trust your thirst to the Coopers.
CHORUS:        It's Australia's best; we all agree…

If you want to stay healthy and you want to live,
Take heed of the sensible advice I give -
Steer clear of the chemical preservative
And stick to the brew of the Coopers.
Don't throw away your money in the grocers' shops!
Don't squander your wages on mutton chops!
But save your money for the malt and hops
In the true blue brew of the Coopers.