The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93390   Message #1921904
Posted By: Bob Bolton
30-Dec-06 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: Real Ale v Lager
Subject: RE: Real Ale v Lager
Err... G'day again,

That post did a runner while I was still formatting the song lyrics!

Anyway, I just felt like dropping in one (musical) suggestion for a request ... well above ... for good ale in Australia. (Actually - bottled Cooper's is often called "Murray* Mud" by us eastern-staters, because of its visible yeast residue but, with careful handling and pouring it's a fine (carefully) poured from the bottle.)

John Dengate's song was published by me in John's 1982 collection of songs and poetry My Shout!, Bush Music Club, Sydney, 1982.

*The Murray is a major Australian river flowing from the Snowy Mountains west and south,through our major irrigation areas, for (~)2590 kilometres until it reaches Lake Alexandrina and then The Great Australian Bight, near Adelaide, South Australia. I think (hope...) Cooper's actually have a cleaner water source than that!

Cooper's is a good drop ... and they put up a nice wort for home brewers. Quite a lot of drinkable home-brew "Cooper's" have I enjoyed!

