The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97241   Message #1921979
Posted By: Fidjit
30-Dec-06 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: efdss dances at Sharp House
Subject: RE: efdss dances at Sharp House
I have to agree with Jim. Music is not meant ot be a competion. Competition kills. Religion, cricket. Look how sad the English cricketers are at the moment.

River dance was the flavour of the month in the ninties. Which in turn brought an upsurge of Irish music out of the closet (A good thing) Now the Irish sessions are a competition as to who can get to the end or into the next tune first. It's gone over to Celtic Muzac (A bad thing) Fotunatly it's (Itrash) is on the wan. Sorry that should have been (Irish). The real music will like cream rise to the top.

Happy New Year to you all.
