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Thread #97583   Message #1922093
Posted By: Teribus
30-Dec-06 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Saddam Hussein Dead (29 Dec 2006)
Subject: RE: Obit: Saddam Hussein Dead
Chris B, it has always been the case that the executioners face is masked.

My response to Ifor:

"You need to find out a lot more about how Saddam came to power and how he was maintained in power with the massive support of the USA and other states including those you have named."

Again you trot out this baseless rhetoric that is completely untrue. Saddam Hussein came to power in 1979 as a result of an internal Ba'athist coup. The massive support given by the USA must have been particularly unique for that particular period in time, seeing as the US ceased to have any diplomatic links with Iraq in 1967 as a result of the "six day war".

"When Saddam handed over to the UN some 11000 documents relating to arm sales and other military matters just prior to the 2003 invasion the US confiscated the bulk of the documents as they were highly embarassing to the US and big business interests."

Sorry to point out the obvious Ifor but you did say that Iraq handed over documents to the UN didn't you? So they then must have read the whole thing in it's unabridged version. What was blanked out did not represent "the bulk" of anything, in fact most of it was leaked to the press anyway.

"You jeer at the anti war movement calling it "twaddle" but there were millions who marched to oppose the invasion of Iraq and the war has been a disaster for Iraq,the region and much more."

Again pointing out the obvious Ifor, while, "....there were millions who marched to oppose the invasion of Iraq" There were many more millions who didn't.

"Over 600000 Iraqis have been killed"

This figure is based on absolutely nothing, which seems to be a theme of most of your arguements - baseless unfounded crap - If you are going to attempt to argue a point using figures at least make some attempt to get them roughly correct.

"Bush and Blair are still to be impeached."

By whom and for what? Will the charges be laid based on hard and fast evidence - or your version - pure fabrication.