The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19006   Message #192228
Posted By: annamill
08-Mar-00 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education is more than...
Subject: RE: BS: Education is more than...
YES John Ruskin! Exactly what I was trying to say in my not greatly educated way. Mbo, "I LIVED!" Tee Hee. Auntie Mame. One of my favorite stories. Now her nephew went to a great school while he lived with her. I guess our home has a lot in common with Mames'. We're very free here. Not obscene, 'spaw, just free. I wasn't by any means judging teachers badly. I was talking about the way our system has turned into a Henry Ford assembly line. The big word is Rote. Gads, I hate that word. It may be a neccesary evil, but it can certainly be presented better. Some beautiful teachers rise above the automoton system they have to work in, but not a lot. Most that I've encountered are tired, dejected, bored, etc. It sounds that you made it over the hump. I, too, learned later to love learning. Keep it up. I wish I could go back and I wish I had more time than just one life time. My son is enjoying learning now that he has found something he wants to learn. The schools he went to took that desire away from him for quite a while but he's back.

Love, annap