"My Mammy Stole A Cow" is not given with a "di-dee-do" refrain in Scarborough's "On The Trail Of Negro Folk Songs"
Maybe what I was thinking about when I wrote that is that I can imagine that refrain being used in that song.
I know I was thinking that the phase "steal up,lady" sounds like it's another instructional dance "command" like "sail away lady".
Btw, Ritchie {as I'm sure you know} much of the "Well my old auntie promised me" verse that is included in the "Don't You Rock Me Daddy-O" Van Morrison lyrics comes from the "My ol' mistiss promised me" floating verse used in the "Poor Mourner" family of songs. An example of that verse is:
Mah ol' Mistis promised me When she dies sh'd set me free. She libed so long dat her head got bald; Don't b'lieve old Mistis qwine die aytall.
[Source: Dorothy Scarborough, "On The Trail Of Negro Folk Songs", p. 194]