The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97518   Message #1924069
Posted By: SINSULL
01-Jan-07 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: New Year's Eve Song Circle at SINSULL's
Subject: RE: New Year's Eve Song Circle at SINSULL's
I tried to stop everyone including Charlie from opening the Salsa jars but they insisted and I ended up with about 12 open jars. The one you unearthed was in the back and moved to the front when an abundance of wine necessitated rearranging the frig.
Fortunately no opened the kimchi with the bulkging lid, I have to remember to toss that before it explodes.

I do not keep many leftovers or out of date food. All fuzzy entrees were delivered by generous guests.

The last of the revellers left about ten minutes ago. I am taking a deep breath before tackling the dishes. This place is a mess!

The music was wonderful. Thank you all. Charlie and Judy did bolt at midnight. I half expected to see a pumpkin pulled by mice out front.

The weather has been miserable today but the sleet finally changed over to rain.

Drive carefully evereyone. And Happy New Year.

Sorry I didn't get a chance to speak with Dani, Carole, and whoever else called.