The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3722   Message #19248
Posted By:
15-Jan-98 - 06:26 AM
Thread Name: Technical help
Subject: Technical help
Just read Joe Offer's discussion to downloading and creating files. Thanks. I think that many of us could benefit from a "Tech Tips" icon at the Mudcat. These "how to" tips could include:

"How to post songs/lyrics"

"How to create a "click here" section in a thread to lead the reader to a particular site"

"How to use "br" to indicate the end of a line"

etc. These tips should be easily printable to produce a
Step 1, Step 2, Step 3...set of instruction for accomplishing a given task. Then those of us who need it could each have our own "book"

Those of you who know how do do these things add tremendously to the enjoyment of this site. Imagine if everyone did the same.
Thanks for listening.