The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97690   Message #1924977
Posted By: katlaughing
02-Jan-07 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Idiots who are contagious
Subject: RE: BS: Idiots who are contagious
If folks would dispense with handshaking it would go a long ways in helping to stop the spread of germs, as well as coughing into one's sleeve or shoulder, rather than on one's hands.

My Rog works with a bunch of idiots, BUT the company provides GALLON containers with hand pump of Purell which most of them are good about using frequently.

At my grandson's classes most of the adults, myself included, have small bottles of Purell available should one of them cough, sniffle, etc. on their hands or the equipment. It is a matter of course for Morgan and I to purell before class and after.

However, there should be much more leave available from work which people can afford to take should they be contagious. They will get better more quickly and save others from suffering if they stay home. Sadly, many cannot afford it in the short term. A lot of parents have to pay for day care whether their children go or not, if they are with a regular sitter. They might be given one day off for illness, but anything more and they will get charged, reagardless.