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Thread #97625   Message #1925002
Posted By: johnadams
02-Jan-07 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: Who is/ are the EFDSS?
Subject: RE: efdss,what does it mean
To assist Ruth Archer in clarifying the efdss volunteer situation for Dick, the efdss is a charity run by a board of trustees of which I am one. Except in exceptional circumstances, the Charity Commissioners do not allow directors/trustees to profit from a charitable trust by accepting employment. The directors are then, to a man and woman, by definition, volunteers. I only have experience of this one organisation, but I assume this is so for all charities.

Additionally, it is quite natural for charities to attract volunteer effort. It goes with the territory. In most charities you will find a measure of volunteer work going on while the staff get on with core business. The efdss is no different.

Unless I am very much mistaken, Peta Webb is one of two assistant librarians employed by the society to assist Malcolm Taylor in running the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Please do not bring employees of the Society into this discussion by name. It's not fair when it's their livlihood.

Financial predicament? Sure the Society is not overflowing with cash but I think you are going too far to describe it thus. From where, in the published and public financial accounts do you draw this conclusion, Dick?