The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97625   Message #1925106
Posted By: GUEST,Derek Schofield
02-Jan-07 - 05:45 PM
Thread Name: Who is/ are the EFDSS?
Subject: RE: efdss,what does it mean
My name has been mentioned once or twice here, so perhaps some clarification is needed. The original question, to which I replied in a different thread was about the purpose of the Folk Song Society. Following the merger of the 2 societies (song and dance) in 1932, the EFDSS was registered as a company, requiring memorandum of association and the objects for which the organisation was being established. Some of them are given below.

Remember, that these objects reflected the time when they were drawn up (1935) and - if you've ever had to do this sort of thing - you try and ensure that you are keeping your options open for the future .... the objects are therefore a statement of any and all the things that they might have liked to do, and how they thought they might like to do them, and does not indicate priorities, preferences etc. Indeed, over the years, the priorities have changed.

That said, the first 3 objects are the fundamental ones I think .... here they are .....

Memorandum of Association of the EFDSS

The objects for which the Society is established are:

a.        To preserve English folk dances and songs and other folk music (including singing games), to make them known and to encourage the practice of them in their traditional forms.

b.        To promote the knowledge and practice of English folk dances, songs and music by means of dances, schools, classes, examinations, lectures, demonstrations, festivals and other like methods.

c.        To promote and encourage research into and study of the origins, development and traditional practice of English folk dances, songs and music and their relationship with those of other countries.

d.        In furtherance of the above objects to promote, and co-operate in, demonstrations, festivals and other like performances of folk dances, songs and music of other countries, whether held in England or elsewhere.

e.        Also in furtherance of the above objects to prepare and publish, issue and make use of, for sale, performance or otherwise, such books, journals, records, reports, and other literature, and means and apparatus for the visual and mechanical reproduction of folk dances, songs and music as may seem desirable.

f.        To make, obtain and distribute, by sale or otherwise, instruments and other articles of whatever description requisite for the performance or practice of folk dances, songs and music in accordance with the above objects.

Derek Schofield