The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97625   Message #1925743
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
03-Jan-07 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: Who is/ are the EFDSS?
Subject: RE: efdss,what does it mean
English people come from all over the place, with all kinds of ethnic backgrounds. And "English folk music" means, or should mean, the folk music of all English people.

In that context native English (indigenous/aborigine, call it what you may) traditions have a far better hope of being kept alive. Which is what I very much want to see happen, because I think it's a wondferful heritage and tradition, and one which can only benefit from being set alongside other living traditions in this country.

And all this actually seems quite consistent with the wording of the EFDSS Memorandum of Association quoted by Derek Schofield - though I suspect of it was being written today there might be more use of the kind of expression used in some EFDSS literature today - "traditional folk music in England", to avoid misunderstandings.