The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97733   Message #1926738
Posted By: Partridge
04-Jan-07 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you get to sleep & stay that way?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you get to sleep & stay that way?
I have read this thread in the hope it would help me, I have suffered from insomnia for years. I have tried herbal treatments, homeopathy, CD's, relaxation exercises, .............countless remedies. It does not matter what time I go to bed I always wake up about 5 hours later if I'm lucky ( My body clock likes to get up at about 5am thats ok if I've retired at 9 or 10, but on the odd occsion when I've stayed up well after midnight - its a swine)
I usually go to bed about 10pm and wake about 2 or 3 I get up have a drink of water go to the loo and the try and go back to sleep. Usually I cant sleep after that - I doze for about an hour and in frustration get up. What I want is a magic something that will put me to sleep for at least 8 hours.
Pat xx