The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97455   Message #1927867
Posted By: GUEST
05-Jan-07 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Concentration camps in U.S. don't exist?
Subject: RE: BS: Concentration camps in U.S. don't exist?
No proof. Man. Look at the story above about the under-reported stories of 2006. Kellog-Brown & Root got $385 million last year to build concentration camps. And what about the Astrodome after Hurricane Katrina? Those folks were held in there at gunpoint. THAT'S why football is so insanely funded at the expense of education in the U.S., so each little town will have a stadium, a containment facility. One of the most effective methods of slaughter during the Rwandan civil war was to collect Tutsis in stadiums, under U.N. guard, so the guards could withdraw at night and let the Hutus in, with their machetes. Identical "containment facilities" are everywhere you look in the U.S.

As far as the GPS coordinates in Taylor, I don't have them. I thought I recalled the directions from a radio interview, but looking at a map disc now I guess I don't have them straight. The reporter said to take Hwy 79 east off I.H. 35, toward Taylor. He said something about this and that in Taylor (which I didn't get), but then he said stay on the hwy 79 access road to Oak street and take a right on Doak. Both those streets are on my disc, south of Taylor, and they do intersect. So if you can find Oak St. (south of Taylor and just south of the R.R. tracks), then follow it until it pretty much ends, take a right on Doak and go south. I think he said the facility is a block or so after that turn. Doak is only 4-5 blocks long. The man said a residential area's on one side of the street and the containment facility on the other. You might want to look at one of the mapping sites because I couldn't describe the hwy 79 access thing if I had to. The place is called the "T. Don Hutto Residential Center."

And yeah, I know what you mean Little Hawk about the noise on the net. I get tired of just trying to prove the obvious to people. I mean, like the KBR The GOVT admits it, KBR admits it, but I'm a kook if I mention it. Been years since I've studied reincarnation, but back when I was doing that, I read a series of 4 novels by a Japanese writer named Yukio Mishima (pen name). His final four novels were connected, following a reincarnated soul. Amazing writing, really good in translation. Anyway, that's the best fictional reading I've ever come across on the topic of reincarnation. The Sea of Fertility cycle, it's called. You might look for those.