The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97372   Message #1929486
Posted By: dianavan
07-Jan-07 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Legalise Prostitution?
Subject: RE: BS: Legalise Prostitution?
Perhaps these two have the answer to the problem of street prostitution. Seems to me they had a viable business. If they had paid taxes on their 'home business', it could be a way to legalize this type of operation.

However, it does not address the problem of safety and exploitation of the drug addicted, street prostitute working for a pimp.

It isn't the act of prostitution that bothers me. Its the level of violence that street prostitutes are subjected to. They are abused by both pimps and johns. How do we stop this unless we give them access to the drugs that they need? Of course, the men who commit the violence, would probably just find another outlet for their desire to batter women.

Now thats a frightening thought. Prostitutes are just a dumping ground for the men who abuse them. How do we stop sexual abuse of women?