The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47133   Message #1930978
Posted By: GUEST,BigDaddy
08-Jan-07 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: Whatever Happened to William Zantzinger?Obit1-09
Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to William Zantzinger?
I first heard this song in junior high school here in Michigan in the mid sixties. My wonderful enlightened social studies teacher, Dick Westhoven, brought the Dylan album in and played selections, along with other irreverent choices like Tom Lehrer. I have never been the same. However, I mistakenly thought the song described an event that must have happened around the turn of the century. I only recently heard a story on public radio about it. My mind is blown to think that this creep is still alive. Let's keep track of his fate and piss on his grave when he's gone. A fitting memorial, I think. Better yet if he knows about it before he shuffles off the mortal coil.