The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97889   Message #1931826
Posted By: Hawker
09-Jan-07 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Being Plastered! (below the knee!)
Subject: RE: BS: Being Plastered! (below the knee!)
Thanks for the good wishes all,
We have a non-carpeted floor so it would be OK I think, just got to borrow one now!
When I had my arthroscopies on my knees we invested in a recliner chair which is great it has 2 positions feet up level and feet above knee, knee above hip as I have been told to sit, so I am lounging around at the momentin reclined mode. The dog is loving every minute of it - having my lap 24-7 dont know how long KB and the kids are going to enjoy making ME coffee etc! I'll enjoy it while it lasts!
I have no intention of not doing as I am told, but when the kids are at school and KB is at work I will need to go to the loo and eat! its that kind of miving around I need the chair for.
fB it was *!$%ing painful till they immobilised it, as it cannot move, it doesn't hurt now (except when the dog catches my toes!) they said it it one of the most painful injuries - more painful than a break they reckoned - and I didn't cry! (moaned and aaaarghed a lot though!)
Oh well I'll hop it to bed soon, all this hopping has knackered me!
Cheers, lucy