The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97889   Message #1932107
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
10-Jan-07 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Being Plastered! (below the knee!)
Subject: RE: BS: Being Plastered! (below the knee!)
Some hints for legless people!

Hot Drinks ~ Ask a beloved (or just a generally useful person) to get you one of those huge vacuum flasks and fill it with boiling water before they leave the house. Get a supply of your favourite beverages placed near you. You can now make your own beverage without having to trapse up and down the house. Unless you drink black tea/coffee or herbal drinks, you may require a smaller flask for cold milk. Cold drinks can be kept cool in a small flask, buy individual juice pouches and keep a big bottle of water handy. Of course, the more of these beverages you drink, the more you'll need the loo, so think carefully before you indulge too much! HAving said that, as you're less mobile, it's important to keep your kidneys in shape by drinking plenty of water.

Wear an apron with a pocket if you are moving around. You'll always have something to carry things in then. Don't be tempted to sling a carrier bag over the handle of your crutch - it'll throw you off balance as it swings.

Plan ahead. If you are getting up to get one thing, think of what else you can take at the same time in your pouch or pocket. If you get up to the bathroom for a pee, how about cleaning your teeth whilst you're in there. If you fancy a snack, how about bringing back a clean cup as well.

Clench your buttocks alternately. Try lifting your bum off the seat occasionally by pushing up with your elbows and thighs. This will keep them from getting numb (few things more annoying than arse cramp when you can't get up) and keep the circulation going. Bed sores don't just happen in bed.....! Try and limit the time the furry friend is sitting on your lap - extra pressure on your bum isn't going to help you at this point (unless furry friend is a chihuahua or a Yorkie, where weight isn't really an issue. If he's a mountain dog or laborador, then get him his own room!).

Avoid the temptation to 'treat' yourself with sweeties because you're poorly. Ask friends to bring fruit rather than choccies as you're not going to be able to burn off the excess calories for a while.

Have a fan spare blankets/jumpers within reach so you don't have to keep getting up to turn heaters on or off, or open windows.

Borrow a book on Pilates excercises which you can do whilst seated. This will help strengthen the muscles you use and will be useful when the plaster is off to tone those you can't use yet.

Don't have someone with you 24/7. You will be driven up the wall and they will want to beat you sensless with your own crutch.

Patience is the best virtue. Everything takes time. Don't set yourself a calendar of 'by this date I'll....' healing doesn't work that way.

Hope some of this is useful - they're observations made by myself and the mate mentioned above - he spent 2 months supine at his parents house and a further 9 months with severely limited movement after turning his ankle to small fragments.