The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97835   Message #1932808
Posted By: Teribus
10-Jan-07 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Oh yes by all means katlaughing let's turn the clock back. Only trouble is that you can't. The United States of America was attacked and will continue to be attacked whether or not you are involved in Iraq or not. That was a promise made by one Osama Bin Laden over 13 years ago. Most on this forum seem to have forgotten that.

Now let's take a look at the choices open to the great unwashed American people:

The Democrats 2006 election promises that they would end the "war" and bring the troops back home is an empty promise - those attacking you will not subscribe to that thinking. You will continue to be attacked, nothing whatsoever to do with GWB, this was your enemies agenda long before he came to power.

Having "won" the mid-term 2006 elections the Dems have inherited a bit of responsibility for the safety and security of their country. They can no longer pose and posture about this issue, they have to take upon their own shoulders in extremely real terms the real responsibilty for the security of their country. They can no longer pander to populist myths and lies. It is now their responsibility. Let's see how much things change if their line of thought can be brought to prevail.

As a complete and utter outsider I will tell you how I think things will turn out as the worst possible case. You lot will bottle out of it. The one and only super-power on earth will lose, not because of the resilience of your foes, but because you yourselves could not stay the course. You could not, with all your wealth, power and ability do what was needed to be done in the face of what you perceived to be as insurmountable odds. By the way for all you who have any pride in your country this is the situation that the UK was faced with in 1940 and was described by Winston Churchill as being "Their Finestest Hour". Judging by what most of you post on this forum, your finest hour will be marked by capitulation, you will richly deserve everything that comes your way. Always remember everything you have in life is worth fighting for - That I think most of you have forgotten, you have come to believe that what you have you have as a birthright - you don't and there are those that will teach you that very lesson - wake up to fact and deal with it, before it is too late, because once it is gone it will never again be recaptured.