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Thread #97930   Message #1932834
Posted By: Teribus
10-Jan-07 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Watching Bush's speech
Subject: RE: BS: Watching Bush's speech
Hey 282RA, I know that you would absolutely love to see the armed forces of the USA whupped like you were in Vietnam. But unlike you these guys are professionals, they actuially take a pride in what they do. They were not force drafted there, they volunteered. You know what they they say - A volunteer is worth ten pressed men.

Unlike you guys in Vietnam, the forces you now have operating in Iraq and Afghanistan have got an excellent chance in winning the conflicts that they are engaged in. The only people that can lose it for them is you and the likes of you.

Don't worry old son, just because you and your country couldn't cut the mustard back in the 1960's and early 1970's doesn't mean that the same fate must befall your "professional" armed forces in the twenty-first century. After all 282AR undermine them and what do you have left to defend you - Let's face face it neither you, nor anyone else on this forum are going to defend anything - True?