The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97918   Message #1933094
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
11-Jan-07 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: 101 things to do with a shakey egg
Subject: RE: 101 things to do with a shakey egg
I haven't got a shakey egg. I've thought about it, but dismissed the idea as frivolous. Perhaps it would be nice to have one for those lighter moments.

You could go round the supermarket (with two of them - one in each hand) and swish along to to the muzak, or engage other shoppers in well loved favourites like Pedro the Fisherman, I am sixteen going on seventeen, or maybe something sophisticated and Latin American.

who knows it may catch on......whole crowds of people marching round Sainsbury's and humming Blaze Away as they go, and shaking their shakey eggs. we could have special days where we all shop doing a Fred Astaire medley.....

perhaps that's the real folk music...?