The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28589   Message #1933406
Posted By: GUEST
11-Jan-07 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: Origin: She Moved Through the Fair
Subject: RE: Help: She Moved Through the Fair
I know/knew "din" approximates to "noise", but feel that it is rather to strong a word; that is, unless she had tackety boots on and was tap-dancing, "din" isn't the word which I'd use naturally for "sound of footsteps", and it therefore seems a forced word, chosen for its rhyme with the simple "in"; that is, I didn't mean it's a word distorted from Colum's original (but then, too, isn't the choice of "no two ever wed", as used in some recordings, better than the awkward "no two were e'er wed"; alliteration and assonance are all very well, but the repetition of "w" here makes it seem as if some unduly plummy-voiced Tory MP is blustering. Admittedly, the better sounding version - to my way of hearing - implies more volition to the couple, whereas "were e'er wed" does have a greater impression of their being forced by parents. And I read somewhere that this song is of a type found in fishing communities where the drowned husband/lover appears to the widow, that is, it's not a love-song only but a ghost-story too. It tends to be sung quite a lot at weddings, unfortunately.