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Thread #97957   Message #1933625
Posted By: Ebbie
11-Jan-07 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
Subject: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
Here is a message from Democratic Whip, Senator Harry Reid.

"Last night President Bush had the opportunity to change course in Iraq and announce to the American people that he would begin to bring our troops home. Instead, he has made the choice to escalate our involvement in Iraq's civil war by sending 21,500 more troops to the region.

"Congress will vote in the next few weeks on the President's plan, but my position is clear: No Escalation -- No Way. Join me in sending President Bush that message by visiting:

"On Election Day, America spoke with one voice about its desire to end the war in Iraq. In the weeks and months since, I and other members of Congress from both parties have urged President Bush to heed the will of our nation and propose real change. Regrettably, the President has chosen to ignore the will of the American people. Concern about the President's escalation strategy is non-partisan. It is opposed by Democrats, it is opposed by Republicans, it is
opposed by top military leaders, and it is opposed by an overwhelming majority of the American people.

"Adding additional troops has already been tried and it has already failed. In fact, it seems as though every year President Bush announces a major strategic shift that is nothing more than a
repetition of the same failed tactics all over again, shrouded in new packaging for the media. America doesn't need another White House P.R. campaign -- we need a real change of course in Iraq.

"Democrats, Republicans and the bipartisan Iraq Study Group have all offered President Bush a roadmap to turn Iraq over to the Iraqis, begin the phased redeployment of American troops and end our open-ended commitment.

"Congress will do nothing to jeopardize the safety of our troops, but we will exercise our Constitutional authority to hold the President accountable for a change of course that turns Iraq over to the Iraqis and allows for our troops to begin coming home. The time for more troops in Iraq has passed. They and their families have served our nation courageously and sacrificed enough."

Thank you,

Harry Reid