The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97957   Message #1934383
Posted By: Cruiser
12-Jan-07 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
dianavan and Greg F.,

The important thing is to submit a complaint. If you do not do something people other than Bush will notice the apathy. Apathy is what got us in the mess in the first place. Now is not the time to continue to be apathetic. Our country cannot survive more of the same in Iraq.

I was always the good soldier and public servant and trusted my Commander-In-Chief, but this man is incompetent and he has lost his ability to reason. I once supported Bush, but now he has lost sight of what made this country great and he is not in touch with reality.

Please register your complaint to your representatives, sign the petition, or do whatever you can.

I know this is just the BS section of a music forum, but every voice does make a difference. If you do not do something, no matter how insignificant it may appear to be, to protest the troop increase; your apathy is as much to blame as Bush's decision to send more troops. In effect, you are registering your approval of his actions by not protesting them.

Have a conscience, do something.

kat: thanks for pointing out that it is not necessary to include a friend in the petition. There must have been a glitch with my system.