The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97920   Message #1934742
Posted By: Alan Day
12-Jan-07 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: Alternatives to Mike Harding
Subject: RE: Alternatives to Mike Harding
Not alternatives to Mike Harding's show ,ADDITIONS TO is what I want.
We have so little Folk music on the BBC that what we do get does not meet everybody's requirements.I did not enjoy Jim Lloyd's programme Fidgit, he tried to please too many people at the same time.
Everybody's tastes are slightly different, more programmes will suit most peoples taste.Instead of knocking Mike Harding,have a go at the programme planners and try to get us different music formats.Some of the fringe programmes are excellent and BBC Ulster is one of the best Folk programmes I have listened(Sat).So it can be done,it just needs a bit of imagination by UK BBC and give us a bit more variety.The artists are there,the music is there and the audience is there.