The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97835   Message #1935091
Posted By: Teribus
13-Jan-07 - 04:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Little Hawk -"Iraq was never any threat to the USA"

The House Joint Security Committee in the aftermath of the attacks of 911 was tasked with assessing what posed the greatest threat to the United States of America. Note this assessment was carried because the 911 had taken place, it had nothing whatsoever to do with who had carried those attacks out.

At the same time all the intelligence agencies of the United States of America were given the same task.

The scenario they came up with, the greatest threat to the United States of America that was perceived towards the end of 2001 was described as follows. An a-symetric attack, carried out by an international terrorist group armed with some form of weapon, or weapons, of mass destruction, be they chemical, biological or nuclear. The weapons, training and technology being supplied anonymously to that international terrorist group by some rough state in order that the attack could be fingerprintless, incapable of being traced back to source.

When asked to come up with a list of likely candidate rough states the House Joint Security Committee and the Intelligence Agencies came up with Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the top three ranking "rough state" candidates.

Now with all the information you had Little Hawk why would you have said at the end of 2001 that - Iraq was never any threat to the USA.

Also remember, because it does seem to have been conveniently forgotten, that the threat was not just confined to the United States of America but to:
- the interests of the USA
- the allies of the USA