The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98000   Message #1935981
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
14-Jan-07 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Posh Nosh (British TV Show)
Subject: RE: BS: Posh Nosh (British TV Show)
RS, our upper lips aren't quite so stiff nowadays, and many of our quaint old expressions have been overtaken by, shall we say, 'contemporary' ones! For instance, the charming "Cor blimey mate, strike a light" which we used to exclaim at moments of great surprise, has been replaced by by that well-known reference to sex and eternal damnation, "F**king Hell". Or whereas, on being arrested by a member of the constabulary, a Ne'er-Do-Well would have exclaimed, "It's a fair cop Guv", he would nowadays make the cheerful request, "Get yer f**kin' hands off me you pig b**tard", or words to that effect.

Aaahhh, how I pine for those golden days of long ago............!