The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19122   Message #193656
Posted By: raredance
12-Mar-00 - 12:04 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Barbara Allen (different versions)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'Barbara Allen' different versions
Following Sandy's lead, your library excursion could also look for:

The Frank C Brown collection of North Carolina Folklore Vol 2. which has 9 full length version and about twice that number of less complete variants and minor wording differences.

Vance Randolph's "Ozark Folk Songs Vol 1" has 7 long versions plus some minor variants.

The same for Cecil Sharp's "English Folk songs From the Southern Appalachians" 7 long versions and a bunch of minor lyric variations and also several alternative tunes.

"A Song CAtcher in Southern Mountains" by Dorothy Scarborough has 9 texts and 5 tunes.

rich r