The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97979   Message #1936659
Posted By: Ron Davies
14-Jan-07 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: George W.'s Real New Plan
Subject: RE: BS: George W.'s Real New Plan
No, not even Bush will invade Syria (nor Iran). There's no way--trumped up story about supplying Iraqi insurgents or not--that Congress would give him yet another blank check. He knows this--and knows that therefore attacking another country without Congressional approval is a shortcut to impeachment--and likely conviction and removal, as the first US president to have that distinction.   (Already richly deserved, of course. But not really the place in history he's angling for.)

He's tied his entire "presidency" to Iraq. The question is: will Maliki take the steps necessary to make the Sunnis believe they can trust the police?--specifically, purging the Shiite militias from the police. As I've been telling Teribus, for over a year, I believe--(and he's been denying)--that's the only way to have any chance to defuse the civil war.

And the issue of oil income distribution will have to be dealt with--again so the Sunnis feel they can get a fair shake from "Iraq"--even rump "Iraq"--(without "Kurdistan"--which as has been said before, is already de facto independent. And the Kurds are smart enough to not insist on de jure independence.)