The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97988   Message #1936688
Posted By: SINSULL
14-Jan-07 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lonely Hearts Club
Subject: RE: BS: Lonely Hearts Club
Do you like sports?
Answer: I glaze over through half the conversations at work.
What is your political affiliation?
Do you like folk music?
Who are your heros?
Captain Morse. I adore the old man.
Are you single? Prove it.
Yes. Why? I am not interested in marrying you.
Do you like lobster?
No but I am not against serving it.

I am perpetually single. Any man I have ever dated has had to fight against the tide re: the M word. So, Kendall is right. If you are looking for a permanent mate, a n always single man or woman is not likely territory.

gnu - First rule of your makeover: Don't drop the soap. But with a voice like yours you should at least be offering phone sex.