The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19151   Message #193675
Posted By: wysiwyg
12-Mar-00 - 12:48 AM
Thread Name: Welcome New Members-- March 12, 2000
Subject: Welcome New Members-- March 12, 2000
These poems (IMHO, doggerel is more accurate) just started one day when I was reading a new member's introduction of him/herself, and now I write them to get you fellow newbies placed in my mind. I hope you like them. If I've missed anyone, please let me know who you are and where to look for your info or first posting here, or whatever will get me started.

 Oh-- and as I found myself pointing out not long ago to a newbie THRILLED to be among our "stellar" company-- we are all just folks here, and I myself am still proud to call myself Newbie!


Rangeroger brings his friend to shine up o'er the Mudcat.
Though rainbow says her rig is slow, she's quick to lend a smile.
She's DJ'd, TV'd, and can perform live for you,
And rainbow, dear friend, you are welcome here too!

Next came The Beanster, found wandering a thread,
We've made us a pact to wedge noogies till dead.
Mudwrestling Mudcats is not past her speed,
But look out-- contestants might be de-BVD'd.

Homeless came home to the Mudcat to stay
Been to HearMe and back, and all in one day.
Midwestern computers he handles by day,
But manages to give healing at night, 'long the way.

Elektra's not new but I welcome her back,
Though my senior as membership goes, that's a fact.
Groovular wishes she sprinkles around
And she saved Max from Cleigh-- good thing she was found!

If Gargoyle's re-cookied (the proof's not yet in),
Then a fair welcome's bid him, and I'm not a bad friend.
Thank God each new day has a fresh, brand-new start,
And G, I would pray, please, do speak from your heart.

Philj200 announced he had joined
Hey Phil, can you tell me how that name was coined?
From lurker to member, now a Mudcat you be,
Impressed, you're impressive, and thanksgivingly.

Lurking Bernie and Bob, we offer a hand
Of welcome, or waving. Do visit our land!
Drop in and see us and give us a tune,
A harp one or other, such as Pretty Quadroon.