The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97979   Message #1936854
Posted By: Ron Davies
14-Jan-07 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: George W.'s Real New Plan
Subject: RE: BS: George W.'s Real New Plan
He can "ignore Congress " now since Congress gave him the go-ahead to use force in 2003 (if it was necessary in his judgment (Bush? Judgment?) Congress can refuse to appropriate money, but, as you know, those who do will then be accused of "deserting our troops in time of war" (never mind that the war was unnecessary and started under false pretenses).

However, that does not change the fact that he cannot invade another country now without authorization to use force (again) from Congress. And this Congress will never give it just on the basis of an alleged conspiracy against the US. This time proof will be needed. Fool me once.....

If "protecting Israel" meant attacking Iran, there is every chance Bush would be impeached--and convicted. Israel does not run US foreign policy--and it's verging on anti-Semitism to suggest that it does. I hope nobody is suggesting this.