The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97787   Message #1937026
Posted By: The Shambles
15-Jan-07 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (3)
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (3)
...why do you suppose some members DO like each other and have a basic respect and trust? I know the answer, because ....because I have MET enough of them to KNOW that in spite of differences of opinion and personal idiosyncrasies, they are sane, honest, caring individuals who truly want this place to be as comfortable and welcoming as possible! I will tell those who doubt that I'd BET that you could not spend a few days at some event like the FSGW Getaway and come away still harboring the type of animosity and distrust you seem to now.

Those few who have met and do know each other to some extent - may well want this. But perhaps you will accept that it takes more than just good intentions to conduct online discussion with the world.

More than just posting judgements, blame and trying to limit a wonderful opportunity and restrict and reduce it to a 'smalltown' concept they feel that can deal with and control?

For why do some seem to find it impossible to show a basic respect and trust to posters on our forum who they have not met and are never likely to? For that is the test.

I do more that just 'suggest' that I do not trust the current Chief of the Mudcat Editing Team. Has he and (some of) his team ever given any reason for any assurance they may give to me or to our forum to be trusted by anyone?

Whatever their intentions may be - are our 'moderators, currently showing very any respect and trust to our forum by their words and actions?

What respect is being shown by them being seen to openly criticise anonymous posting but at the same time defending their own anonymous posting and 'silent deletion'?

Or by being seen to ban certain posters for posting offensive personal abuse and at the same time being seen to encourage certain favoured posters to post the same thing?

Our forum is being expected to openly support the most blatent abuse of position bullying and unfair treatment as something other than this. Some of our posters are obviously prepared to.

But perhaps it is not sensible to expect something that shows no respect or trust - to be shown any.

Or something that feels itself qualified to judge and make public assumptions about every aspect of individual named posters but feels that it should be above all judgement.

Or something that ignores, excuses, minimises and attempts to justify every lapse and is seen to take no responsibilty for its results but expects others to show responsibilty

It does not work like this......And time has shown that it does not and will not ever work like this on our forum.