The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97835   Message #1937323
Posted By: Teribus
15-Jan-07 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Could not disagree more Ron.

The Gist Is:

The Sunni Arab insurrectionists and the Foreign Jihadists Want a "civil war". Having failed to have successfully taken on the "foreign occupying infidels", the Sunni's have been trying to broaden and escalate a conflict that at present they do not have a cat-in-hells chance of winning.

Those in command of the Shia militias know that with every Sunni Arab/Al-Qaeda perpetrated atrocity against the Shia Arab population of Iraq, irrespective of casualties, many, many more Sunni Arabs are killed in sectarian revenge attacks. Pretty shortly Ron, without doing a thing, the internal problem in Iraq vis-a-vis Shia Arabs and Sunni Arabs will have resolved itself. The Sunni Arabs can do something to reverse the trend by halting attacks on Shia Arabs. The big question is - Will they?