The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98012   Message #1937497
Posted By: Howard Jones
15-Jan-07 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: Folksingers, the real deal
Subject: RE: Folksingers, the real deal
Mike, I think I understand what you want, but I don't think Mudcat is the right forum. Mudcat is literally global, and involves people at all levels of involvement in the music. What you seem to want is somewhere that full-time professional musicians, who aren't necessarily well-known but who earn their living by performing the music, can support one another.

In the UK we have Britfolk, which describes itself as "a self-help organisation for UK-based professional folk performers". I'm not a member myself, as I don't earn a significant proportion of my income from music and so am not eligible. But perhaps if you were to contact them they may be able to give some advice on how to establish something similar. Their website is at

In your original post, you seem to be complaining that Mudcat is all about the stars, and that the "real deal", bread-and-butter musicians are somehow ignored. But if you are performing mainly for private or semi-private functions, rather than public concerts, then you are not going to become well-known outide that circuit, even in your local area. Mudcatters are from all around the world, and the musicians they discuss on here are inevitably those with the highest profiles. The work you are doing may be very good and very worthwhile, but it's not going to interest me, here in the UK, compared with discussions of performers whose work I'm familiar with will interest me. This is nothing personal, it's not about your music, it's simply geography.