The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98088   Message #1938044
Posted By: greg stephens
16-Jan-07 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: Must Hear-BBC Radio Prog Today 16 January
I thought it was possibly an interesting half hour programme reduced to a very unsatisfactory quarter of an hour by brutal and unthinking editing. Norma Waterson, for example, paid Margaret Barry a great(and well-deserved compliment) by saying that she (Norma) went from being lost to being found when she first heard Barry. Now, in those circumstances, the programme's conspicuous failure to identify the recording of Margaret Barry was inexcusable. If they hadn't got a good recording of Norma W identifying her, they should have got the narrator to say who it was.
    I haven't got listen again facilities, so I cant give you chaper and verse, but I think there were many many examples of editing which spoiled the flow of things. For example, the section on thre Coppers made little sense, mad irrelvant by non sequitors which I'm sure the original speaker wasnt responsible for.
    Not naming Margaret Barry was a shameful lack of respect. Not even naming the narrator(as far as I noticed) was just plain barmy.
    Pity, because potentially an excellent programme, interesting examples etc etc. A fine concept. spoilt by lack of attention to detail. Probably(knowing the BBC ) the result of lack of budget rather than actual malice!