The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98092   Message #1938089
Posted By: GUEST,The Stage Damager
16-Jan-07 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: UK Govt to spend Ł10 million on singing
Subject: UK Govt to spend Ł10 million on singing
"A £10m package of measures to boost singing and music education in primary schools in England is to be announced. The extra cash will allow choir schools to work in partnership with other local schools and fund a national singing campaign."

BBC Story

While I wholeheartedly approve of music and singing in schools, this sort of state sponsorship of music fills me with apprehension. How long will it be before we have a national curriculum for music which will seek avoid any "politically incorrect" or "politically embarrassing" songs.

Surely the whole point of singing is that you sing the songs that you and your mates want to sing, and these constantly changes as you hear new songs, or as your attitudes change?