The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98092   Message #1938179
Posted By: Rasener
16-Jan-07 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: UK Govt to spend Ł10 million on singing
Subject: RE: UK Govt to spend £10 million on singing
We have to pay for our daughter to learn an instrument at school (private lessons) and its bloody expensive.
We also pay for her to sing in a choir in the evening, by a very good teacher who is a musician and also very intuitive and brilliant at getting them to sing. They even sang at my folk club the one time. She is not restricted by all the politically correct crap and lesson plans etc.

Before anybody thinks we must be well off - we ain't. I don't work and we just about survive on my wifes income. However we feel that our Autistic daughter is entitled to do something she really likes in an environment that suits her, rather than what the Government dictates.